Search within a category
Is there a way to restrict your search to one category?
8 replies
Similarly, can you restrict the search to posts with a particular tag?
Hi Edward , by default, the search is global across all categories and tags. It can customized for your community through our support team. Contact . Thank you!
On your website's Plans page, what does it mean "Search across the community or specific forums?" (screenshot attached) Is that different than searching within a category?
Thanks! Which is why it's listed under Administrative features :-) Sorry I missed that. Follow up question: Search seems more powerful for admins (Moderate tab) than users in the community, since admins can filter to a specific category or to a specific status of topics. Are there plans to make a more powerful search available to users? Related question: any plans to index the content of replies for search?
Could this search restriction be added as a global option or for each category to have the search global or local.
Or maybe just a tag in the search bar where you enable / disable a local search within the current category?