FAQ for Community Members
Are you a new member in a Forumbee community? Welcome! 🎉 Here are the most frequently asked questions to help you get started. If you are a community manager,…
Overview of category types
Categories provide a way to organize your community into areas of interest. Category Types There are six types of categories you can add to your community.…
Adding, deleting and customizing categories
Your new community is preconfigured with an initial set of categories. You can modify or delete these as well as add new categories. Add a new category Go to Admin > Categories and click Add Category.…
Managing Sort Order in Categories
You have control over the order in which topics and articles appear within each category. Default Sort Orders Article categories: Newest (most recently created articles first) Discussion categories:…
Create a new topic post
In Forumbee, a new post is called a "topic". Follow these steps to add a new topic. As a moderator for your community, you can either post a new topic from within the Community (the members area) or…
All Topics view
Overview The All Topics view provides easy access to the latest activity in your community by bringing together posts from all categories into a single list.…
Profile picture upload guidelines
To add your profile picture, click your name in the top right and select View profile. Drag and drop your image onto the profile picture area. Or click the profile picture and browse to select your…
Viewing new community activity
This article describes how to check the latest community activity and navigate to posts you haven't read. New and unread posts Topics that you haven't read are bolded in the topic list.…
Post a topic in multiple categories
Overview The cross-posting feature allows you to display a single article (topic) in multiple categories, making it easier for users to find relevant content.…
How to create and edit articles
This article describes how to add and edit articles in your community or help center. While we cover articles specifically here, these steps also apply for any type of topic including discussions,…
Copy / duplicate a topic
Copying a topic creates a new topic with the same content as the original. You have the option to make changes to the copy before publishing. Example uses Use an existing topic as a template.…
Image and file upload guidelines
When adding images or file attachments into posts, here are few guidelines to keep in mind. Maximum file size: Images: 10Mb File attachments: 50Mb Supported image types:…
Embed videos
Enrich your posts with engaging video content! Easily embed videos from popular platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, Vidyard, and Loom directly into your posts.…
Understanding and Managing Tags
Tags are a powerful way to organize and categorize content in your Forumbee community. They help users find related content quickly and enable them to follow specific topics of interest.…
Introduction to setting up your new community.