Managing Sort Order in Categories

You have control over the order in which topics and articles appear within each category.

Default Sort Orders

Article categories: Newest (most recently created articles first)
Discussion categories: Active (most recent activity, like replies, first)

Changing the Sort Order

  1. Go to Admin > Categories.
  2. Select the Topic Order tab.
  3. Choose the category from the dropdown menu.

  4. From the Default Sort Order menu, select your preferred option:
    • Active: Most recent activity
    • Newest: Most recently created
    • Updated: Most recently updated
    • Most Likes: Most votes or likes
    • Alphabetical (A-Z): Topic/article title
    • Manual: Drag-and-drop to reorder (see below)
  5. Changes are saved automatically.

Manually Reordering Topics/Articles:

  1. Go to Admin > Categories.
  2. Select the Topic Order tab.
  3. Choose the category from the dropdown menu.
  4. Ensure Default Sort Order is set to Manual.
  5. Click and drag topics/articles into your desired order. (Changes save automatically)

  6. Click View Category in the top right to see your changes in the community.

