Post a topic in multiple categories


The cross-posting feature allows you to display a single article (topic) in multiple categories, making it easier for users to find relevant content. For example, an article about "How to create an account" can appear in both the "FAQs" and "Getting Started" categories.

Note: When cross-posting, there is only one source article. Any edits, settings, or replies will appear in all category locations since they are all the same article.

How to cross-post in multiple categories

  1. Navigate to Admin > Moderate.
  2. Create a new topic or select an existing topic to edit.

  3. In the topic editor's side column, expand the Category section.

  4. Under "Show in additional categories", click Add and select your desired categories.
  5. Click Save and exit to apply your changes.

The topic will now appear in all selected categories.

Access requirements and category settings

If the topic's primary category is private or closed, users without access to that category cannot view the topic, regardless of other category assignments. Ensure the primary category is accessible to your intended audience.

To change a topic's primary category:

  1. Go to Admin > Moderate and open the topic in the admin editor.
  2. Click change in the top left.

  3. Select the new primary category and click Save. 

2 replies

    • Pete_Steere_TDS
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Is there a way to go a level above this redundant usage model and share a single category across multiple sections? 

      • Forumbee
      • 11 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      Hi  , thank you for your question. Unfortunately, there's currently no way to share a single category across multiple sections. Cross-posting focuses on making individual articles accessible in different categories rather than sharing an entire category structure. Please let us know if you have any other questions.