Embed videos

Primary Videos

Primary videos are embedded at the top of your post or article, under the title. 

  • Click the Video icon in the post editor.

  • Paste the share link from your chosen platform.

  • Click OK. Your video is embedded, ready to play within your post!

Inline Videos

Inline videos are embedded within the content of your post. This is useful if you need to provide screencasts to illustrate step-by-step instructions within an article. 

  • YouTube & Vimeo: Click the link icon in the editor toolbar, paste the video link into to the popup and click OK. The video will appear below. (Delete the link later if desired.)

  • Loom: Paste the share link directly into your post content where you want the video embedded. Save your post, and the Loom video will be embedded automatically.

Supported Platforms

  • For Primary Videos: YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, Vidyard
  • For Inline Videos: YouTube, Vimeo, Loom

