Private Messaging to multiple recipients and Mentions

Hi there,

we are slowly getting more traffic and interaction on the system. There are a few things I noticed in the Messager though.

  • Is it possible to add multiple recipients to one Message? I wanted to reach out to a customer and partner in parallel as they need to be connected, but could only select one recipient
  • Its not possible to Christian Langmayr Mention someone in a Message? That could also be usefull (reach out to @ to get more information.
  • If you write a longer message the window in the Messenger is quite limited. Being able to resize it would be great. May be even some formatting options?

May be its just me not finding the stuff


1 reply

    • Forumbee
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi   Christian Langmayr , thanks for your questions and feedback! 

    • Messaging is one-to-one, so you can only have one recipient for a message.
    • Messages don't have @mention support. 
    • You can go to the full Messaging center to write a longer message. Click the Messaging icon at the top of the screen and click "View all Messages". Or  from the chat popup, click the cog icon and select "See full conversation."

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 10Views
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