Private Categories
Is there a way to show "locked" (private) categories and allow people the opportunity to request access with the caveat that their participation must be APPROVED before they can gain access to the area? I like the JOIN button, but there's no approval process that I can find. I also like the ACCESS CODE mechanism, but a new user must know where or from who to get the code before they can gain access.
What I'm really asking for is a way to moderate user access to a category after the user requests access to that area.
5 replies
Hi Neil , we don't currently have the option to moderate user access to a category. We could however add a custom message to the access code page with contact information. To have this added, send the content details to and we'll add it in for you. Thanks!
Forumbee Support This is a feature I'm looking for as well. Can you explain the option that you offered to Neil? How would that help these need? thanks.
Forumbee Support can you grant access to private categories based on user label? Right now, we have separate communities but I'm wondering if we could merge some of them by doing this. We use SSO for user access and already assign labels so granting access to specific categories using this info would be an awesome next step!