Articles Contents pane NOT scrollable



I've recently created some lengthy articles within my knowledgebase. The capabilities are accomodating my content well, however the amount of information I'm putting into a single article/topic results in a large CONTENTS to the right of the content itself. This contents pane is longer than my 4k screens height and, as a result, I cannot use it effectively. To see the bottom of the contents list I have to scroll to the very end of the article then scroll up to find the link/section I'm searching for. 


Can you make the contents section have its own scrolling capability?




1 reply

    • Forumbee
    • 9 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi  , thanks for your question! Yes, this is possible. We have enabled scrolling on the table of contents section. If you need any other layout adjustments, please let us know. 

Content aside

  • Status Answered
  • 9 mths agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 15Views
  • 2 Following