Nested Replies?
Is there any way to alter how replies are displayed to somehow visually indicate which post the comment is replying to? Typically I guess this would be done by nesting the replies beneath their parent comment, and I'm just curious if there's any way to implement this simply in forumbee?
5 replies
Nested replies are now available! You can enable it in Admin > Settings > Posts. Read more about it here:
Hi Seb, today you can use the quote formatting option to style a reference a previous post. However, we don't currently have a way to visually tie a reply to another comment, or nest comments beneath their parent. We are considering adding this feature in a future release.
What is the current status on the ability for nested comments?
Hi Gary, no support for nested comments yet. We'll post back here when we have an update.
I'm curious on this also. We just opened our community and I think that it will be really helpful for our users.