Active vs Newest

Topics have a post date, which is usually the date it was created but this can be changed when moderating a topic at /moderate.

Topics also have an active date.  From what I can tell the active date is updated when a change is saved to a topic such as editing the contents of the topic.  It also is updated when a topic gets a reply.  I'm wondering what other events cause the active date to be refreshed, such as a like or a follow?

What are all of the events that trigger the active date on a topic to be updated?

1 reply

    • Forumbee
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Michael , thanks for your question! When a topic is initially created, its active date is the same as its posted date. The active date for a topic is updated when:

    • The topic itself is edited and saved
    • A new reply is added to the topic

    The active date is primarily used to drive the category sort option "Active".  This sort option brings topics to the top of the list that are either new, recently edited, or have new replies.

    The posts API has an additional field "updatedOn" available for topics. It stores the date the topic was edited and saved. 

Content aside

  • Status Answered
  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 34Views
  • 3 Following