Leaderboards, but for disengaged users?

Is there a way to report on least engaged users in my forum? Like the Leaderboard, but on the opposite end of the engagement spectrum?

1 reply

    • Forumbee
    • 7 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi  , while there isn't a built-in "least engaged users" report, here's one way to get some insights into lower engagement:

    • Navigate to Admin > Users.
    • Click the "Recently added" menu and select "Recently accessed" to sort. This will place users who haven't accessed in the longest time at the bottom of the list.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you!

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  • Status Answered
  • 7 mths agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 12Views
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