Forgot password when no account
Hi. I had a customer complaining about not recieving the email when using the "forgot password". The message says "if there is an account with this emailadress, you will get an email to restore your password" (or something like that).
Actually, there was no account with that email.
It would be nice if the "forgot password" could control if the email is used in an account and inform that "there is no account with this email, please sign up".
Or send an email that informs the same (just like the signup does if you try to create an account with an existing emailadress.
2 replies
Hi Carola Ahlsson , thanks for sharing your feedback!
If the community is public, the person will receive an email with a link to join if they don't already have an account.
If the community is private, no email is sent since there typically would be no way for the person to sign up in a private community on their own. However, if the option to "Request to join" enabled, then users can request access, so I can see how sending such an email in that configuration would make sense. We will track this as an enhancement request. Thanks again!