FAQ for Community Members
Are you a new member in a Forumbee community? Welcome! Here are the most frequently asked member questions to help you get started.
If you are a community manager, please feel free to share this with your members or use this as a starting point to create your own member FAQ.
How do I update my profile? 
Hover over your profile picture or first initial at the top right, then click Edit Profile. Everyone loves a friendly face, so start by adding a profile photo. Drag and drop your image onto the page and it will automatically upload.
You can also edit your name, add a tagline and other profile information. Fill out your "About me" to help people learn more about you, your role, industry expertise, or interests. The web field is a great opportunity to add your LinkedIn or Twitter profile link.
How do I change my notifications? 
Hover over your profile picture or first initial at the top right, then click Notification settings. From here, you can toggle notifications on and off. If notifications are on, you can choose the frequency and content of your email alerts.
How do I follow areas of interest? 
By following items of interest, you’ll be notified by email when new posts are added there. You can follow topics, people, categories and tags. Look for the “Follow” button in each of these areas.
How do I create a new post? 
You can start a new topic by navigating to a category and clicking the ‘Add new’ button. (This button may have a different label depending on the category you are in.)
Or if you are viewing an existing post, you can reply to it by clicking the Reply option.
How can I upload my own images, files or videos? 

You can attach media to a discussion post or response. Whether you are starting a new topic or replying to an existing one, you'll see three icons above or below the text box: an image icon, a video icon, and a file attachment icon.
To add an image or file attachment, click the icon, then select the file. Or you can drag and drop your image or file onto the icons to upload it.
To add a video, first upload the video to Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo. Then copy the URL from your video site. Click the video icon on your post, paste the URL and click OK.
Once your post is set, just click Save or Post.
How do I keep track of what I posted? 
Hover over your profile picture or first initial at the top right, then click View Profile. You’ll see all of your posts listed here on your profile.
How do I view what’s new? 
If you are in a category, click the category name and select “All topics” from the menu. Or you’ll also find a link to “View all topics” at the bottom of the category list on the side.
Here you’ll find a list of all topics with the most recent activity at the top. Under each topic is a count of new replies since you last visited.
Select the person icon to filter the list to just the items that are of interest to you:
- Show unread: Select to show unread topics and topics with unread replies.
- Show followed categories: Select to show posts from categories you are following.
- Show followed topics: Select to show topics you are following.
See these articles for more details: