How to send reminder invitations

After you have invited users to your community, you can manage your invites. 

Go to Admin > Users and select Pending from the filter menu.

All pending users are shown. Pending users include invitees who have not yet joined and users who have signed up but not verified their email address. Under each user the last invite date and total number of invites sent is displayed.


Step 1

Click the cog icon next the user and select Resend Invite.


Review and edit email invitation text, then click Send.


Go to Admin > Users and select Pending from the filter menu.


Click the Date added menu to view the list of previous invite batches by send date. The count of invitees who have not yet joined from each batch is shown on the right. Select an invite batch from the list.

All pending users from this batch are listed. The actions at the bottom of the right column apply to all pending users in this batch. Click Send reminder invite.

All users who will receive the reminder are listed in the To field. Review and edit email invitation text, then click Send.

Your reminders have been sent!  

A Note on Batch Handling

In the Date added menu, a new batch is created for each mailing.  Batches are de-duped, so users exist in only in the latest batch they were sent. This ensures that if you send reminders to multiple batches, users will not be emailed multiple times.


