How to configure Microsoft Login integration

With the Microsoft Login provider integration, you can allow your users to log in using their Microsoft accounts. Here's a step-by-step guide to set it up.


  • A Forumbee account with the admin role.
  • A Microsoft Azure administrator account.

Step 1: Register an App in Microsoft Entra

  1. Login to Microsoft Entra: Navigate to the Microsoft Entra admin center and sign in with your Microsoft administrator account credentials.

  2. Navigate to App Registrations: In the top search bar, type "app registrations". In the results, under Services, select "App registrations".

  3. Register a New Application: Click on the "+ New registration" button at the top.

  4. Configure App Settings:

    • Name: Enter a name for your app, e.g., "Forumbee Login".
    • Supported account types: Choose the appropriate option based on your user base. For most Forumbee users, "Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts" would be suitable. Make a note of which option you have selected, as you will need to make the same selection later in Forumbee.
    • Redirect URI: From the "Select a platform" menu choose "Web". In the field, enter the following redirect URL: https://forumbee.com/oauth/signin
  5. Register the App: Click on the "Register" button.

  6. Note Down the Application (client) ID: Once registered, you'll be redirected to the app's overview page. Make a note of the "Application (client) ID" as you'll need it later.

  7. Generate a Client Secret:

    • Go to the "Certificates & secrets" tab on the left sidebar.
    • Click on "+ New client secret".
    • Provide a description, choose an expiry, and click "Add".
    • Note down the generated client secret value immediately, as it won't be visible again.
  8. Upload a logo (optional):
    • This logo will be displayed on the registered app in Microsoft Entra as well to your end user in the Microsoft login screen. 
    • Go to the "Branding & properties" tab on the left sidebar. 
    • Next to Upload new logo click to select a file. You can upload your community logo or the Forumbee logo. Click here to download the Forumbee logo
    • Click "Save". 

Step 2: Configure Forumbee

  1. Go to Forumbee: In Forumbee, you'll need to be logged in with the admin role.

  2. Navigate to Admin: Go to Admin > Integrations > Login Providers.

  3. Enable Microsoft Login:

    • Expand the Microsoft option and toggle it to On.
    • Enter the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" you noted down from Microsoft Entra.
    • Under Account Type Select, choose the Account Type that you selected in Microsoft Entra.
  4. Save Changes: Click on the "Save" button to apply the changes.

Step 3: Test the Integration

  1. Open an incognito browser window: Open an incognito browser window to ensure you're logged out of your Forumbee account.

  2. Login with Microsoft: Go to your community login page. You should now see a "Login with Microsoft" button. Click it and try logging in with a Microsoft account.

  3. Verify Successful Login: If everything was set up correctly, you should be able to log in seamlessly. If there are any issues, double-check the configurations in both Microsoft Entra and Forumbee.

